Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hell Freezes Over!! WaPo Prints Two Articles Sympathetic to Christian Views in Two Successive Days!

Yesterday we ran a link to a story in the liberal newspaper, The Washington Post, which broke the news that a study of abstinence-based sex education suggested that the program may actually be successful. And then today the paper prints a column by staff writer Sally Jenkins in its Sports section entitled, Tebow's Super Bowl Ad Isn't Intolerant; Its Critics Are. We couldn't agree more, WaPo. Who wouldda thunk we could say that two days in a row?

Here is the hard-to-believe evidence.


Mari said...

This is a really good article! Like the author says, CBS is not the problem!

Mari said...

Hurray for Tim Teabow and his family for standing up for the truth and not being afraid of the consequences!